Vision | Radio Schedule | Listening Clubs | Concerts | Radio Schools | Cassettes and CDs | Radio Staff

The Radio's History
It is from Chikuni Mission that the radio station operates on 91.9 FM and covers a radius of 60 Kilometres. It broadcasts to all the 21 out-stations in Chikuni Parish and beyond, with an estimated potential audience of 250,000 (low estimate). The station also reaches four other parishes noteably Monze, Mazabuka and Choma. Chikuni center can easily be seen from afar thanks to the radios 69 meter guyed mast, accommodating the radio’s FM antennas.
In a ground-breaking move, with the help from Jesuit Missions and many other organisations, Chikuni Praish, has raised over $100,000 to set up and operate the first radio station run by the Batonga people for the Batonga people: a true community effort in a wider sense of the word. With the first transmission in October 1999, the majority of the programmes are in the local Chitonga language and are aired at times that are most suited to the people. They are aimed at the subsistence farmers who make up the majority of the inhabitants in the Southern province of Zambia.
For The Community, By The Community
The entire community is encouraged to submit programme ideas and is invited to participate in the broadcasts as much as possible. To ensure that this is possible, each of the 21 centers in Chikuni have their own “News Gatherers”. Their role is not just to gather important news but also to give detailed and constructive feed back on programmes, content and style, and to identify people in their areas that might take a more active role in the station. Filling the information vacuum, the topics covered by the programmes are agriculture, health, nutrition, HIV/AIDS, education culture, justice, family, women, youth, profiles of local talents, local issues and events. The radio has become a neutral forum where people are able to openly discuss taboos: property grabbing, sexual abuse of young girls, witch hunts and so on.
A large portion of the radios' activities are concerned with the support for the local music artists, as music is the traditional medium of passing on wisdom. Other important projects of the radio include the Radio Schools (Taonga Market), the annual Tonga Concert and Tape Production. The radio is an example of how people can find for themselves an answer to the real problems that they face in their lives. Radio is changing lives, developing minds and bringing people together in an environment based on their own needs and on their own terms. Thank you to all for making it possible!
Radio Schools: A Response to the Educational Needs of The Community
Chikuni Radio, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education in Zambia, has rolled out the radio school program which airs on Chikuni radio. This radio schools program is aimed at helping the children who live in the community to catch up with classroom lessons despite the fact that schools are closed due COVID-19. In these trying moments, this initiative is geared towards specifically helping children from Grade 1 to Grade 7 through lesson in vernacular (chiTonga). These lessons are given by trained teaches provided by the Ministry of Education. The lessons aired on radio also are tailored to the specifications of the Curriculum of the Ministry. This gives the children the opportunity to catch up on lessons that they would have otherwise missed due to the pandemic. The radio program also includes Live call-in sessions and texts which help the children listening at home to share their questions and difficulties with the teachers.
The radio school program airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and the schedule is as follows;
- 10:15 AM - Lessons for Grade 1&2
- 11:00 AM - Lessons for Grade 3&4
- 12:00 PM - Lessons for Grade 5,6&7
You can help us to continue serving the community
by supporting us through acquiring our services
Quick Chikuni Radio Rate Chart
Spots (up to 60 sec)
Contact: 0777059484 for placing one off announcement
Personal Announcement
Personal Message K2.00
Local Announcement
Lost property, Headmen, meetings K10.00
Institution Announcement
Service to the community K30.00
Business Spot - Off Peak
Local Business Spot K30.00
Business Spot - Prime Time
Business Spot K50.00
Political Spot K300.00
Spot Production
Voice and editing K150.00
Programme duration 5 min
Air time + Production + Presenter K250.00
Programme duration 15 min
Air time + Production + Presenter K375
Programme duration 30 min
Air time + Production + Presenter K750
Programme duration 60 min
Air time + Production + Presenter K1,500
Political Programmes
Programme duration 15 min
Live - Studio based K750
Programme duration 30 min
Live - Studio based K1,250
Programme duration 60 min
Live - Studio based K2,000
Outside Broadcasting
Per hour K5,000.00
Per hour K3,000.00
Sponsorship cost
Main News Adjacency
Cost per quarter K10,000.00
News Headlines Adjacency
Cost per quarter K5,000.00
Weekly Summary News Adjacency
Cost per quarter K2,000.00
Other services
*Album Recording
Recording per song K200.00
Master to CD-R/DVD-R K400.00
CD-R + copying + printing + case per CD K30.00
PA hire - small
PA hire up to 6hrs - 500 people K1,500.00
PA hire - medium
PA hire up to 6hrs - 1,000 people K2,500.00
PA hire - large
PA hire up to 6hrs - 5,000 people K5,000.00
PA hire - extra large
PA hire up to 6hrs - 10,000 people K15,000.00
Off-Grid Power
Mobile Power Supply K200.00
Transport per 50km K100.00
Aluminium Stage
Stage and roof K10,000
(to be negotiated on the configuration of the stage + roof)
Air time sales conditions
- A contract of sales will only be entered into upon availability of air time
- A commercial/public announcement or programme will be transmitted upon making payments in cash or bank certified cheque
- A long term contract discounts could be discussed
- The Radio management reserves the right to withdraw a programme/commercial containing offensive material to a group or person or contradicting human & Christian values
- The Radio does not air any political advertisements
Bank Details are given on request.